Treatment Card
The Treatment Card powered by denSMART empowers you with Perio, Resto, Pedo and Ortho treatment cards, each of which, efficiently and securely record detailed treatment visit activities and treatment plans. Features include touch-screen, customized color cards for different treatment type/stages, quick selection of commonly used phrases for text fields, photographic and radiographic images . You can also schedule multiple next-appointments directly from the Treatment Card.

Key Features

Treatment cards can be swiftly and accurately created and accessed thereafter, whether they be resto, perio, pedo or ortho in nature. The patient’s progress, review and plan treatment can therefore easily be viewed when necessary and treatment details and steps be precisely and efficiently recorded.

Restorative Treatment Card

The restorative treatment card of the patient’s progress, review and treatment plan can be easily viewed when necessary and treatment details and steps be precisely and efficiently recorded.

Periodontia Treatment Card

The periodontal treatment card of the patient’s progress, review and treatment plan can be easily viewed when necessary and treatment details and steps be precisely and efficiently recorded.

Orthodontia Treatment Card

The phase wise orthodontic treatment card of the patient’s progress, his oral hygenic conditions, the co-operation of the patient, the elastic's class & colors can be entered & reviewed.

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