Key Features
denSMART comes with the streamlining of your workflow from end to end. Intraoral and extraora photographs are stored and backed up in a presentable manner. You can also customise, edit and work on photographs with the denSMART digital tools to aid patient education and consultation.
Patient Education videos and Presentations
Allow better and effective communication with the patient by your set of patient education videos and presentations. You can create your own personalised videos and Powerpoint presentation using the documentation, managed and organised by us.
Digital Imaging
By using Densmart tools, you can manipulate the digital images for restoration, overlapping or crowded arches, and present to the patient, the pre and post correction analysis, during patient consultation.
This helps in communicating and assuring the patient about the outcome of the treatment, thereby, increasing the acceptance rates.
3D Charting and Treatment Plan
The visual power of denSMART charting to communicate a mouthful of conditions & treatments will leave you speechless.Record the clinical condition and you will be presented with a number of treatment options along with the treatment recommended and the estimated treatment cost. This process works as an excellent educative experience for the patient, which is usually seen to motivate him into getting his treatment done speedily.